What's On

Latest news, insight & opinion from CCA

Making the invisible visible

This was the subject of a fascinating programme this week on BBC Radio 4 (8.30 pm, Monday 15 June) not about the illusionary tricks of Mr Marvin, but instead about our mysterious predilection for shunning 80% of our economy when it comes to measuring...

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Monkey Business

‘The boozing starts from 7am. Though large amounts are often drunk, the sessions are orderly, even sociable. A skinful later, and always before nightfall, enough is enough and they rest.’ (The Guardian 10 June) No - not a typical Brits ...

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When Digital met Physical

Last week we celebrated my son's 21st and also a dear aunt's 80th birthdays. To mark these momentous occasions I decided to collate photo books for each of them, involving a marriage of the physical and digital world. A planned couple of hours at the...

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Trust - A game of two halves?

'Trust comes on foot and leaves on horseback'; that famous old Danish proverb has a certain ring to it in the murky world of FIFA this week, as investigations of corruption are spearheaded by the FBI, in scenes more akin to a mobster movie than the ...

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Quelle Surprise!

I've lost count of the number of commentators in our industry who have bemoaned the lack of customer service offered by budget airlines. Few conference programmes are complete without a debate about customer experience in this sector. Negative impres...

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Better the devil you know?

This week's blog has been penned by Liz Barclay, broadcaster and writer specialising in consumer business issues and personal finance. She is a communications trainer and coach and works with a variety of businesses in finance, health and public sec...

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Who if not you?

60 customer service leaders in waiting gathered this week to be inspired by 'The Confidence Cocktail' delivered by Ros Taylor at CCA’s latest One Day MBA in Customer Experience. When asked what they would do if they suddenly found a large dose ...

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Bags of listening

One of the biggest frustrations voiced by customers is that of 'not being listened to'. For me a big bug bear was paying expensive tariffs for 4G services (and watching the delightful Kevin Bacon doing everything that I couldn't) on my iPhone due to ...

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Stand up for the sitters

Are you sitting comfortably? Hopefully not because today is 'On Your Feet Britain' - a campaign run by Get Britain Standing, aimed at urging us all to avoid the dangers of sitting too much. For some, in roles which require moving as a matter of cour...

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Great expectations

The hassle of installing new equipment, and the fear of being left with no internet access, is deterring people from switching broadband providers. In a survey of 2,000 customers conducted by comparison site Cable.co.uk, 50 per cent said they ha...

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The Big Picture

Who would have thought that the age old activity of colouring-in could make a big comeback in a digital age? Widely covered in the news this week has been the success of Amazon's top selling colouring-in books, The Secret Garden and Enchanted Forest...

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With freedom comes responsibility

This week's blog has been penned by Liz Barclay, broadcaster and writer specialising in consumer business issues and personal finance. She is a communications trainer and coach and works with a variety of businesses in finance, health and public sec...

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A week's a long time on Twitter

Back in the nineties Gerald Ratner managed to trash his hugely successful jewellery empire, all on his own, without the assistance of Twitter or other social channels, which of course hadn't been thought of back then. He candidly attributes his catas...

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The shape of things to come

The big event of this week was of course the Budget; the last before the General Election in a few short weeks time. But can we really say it is a true reflection of the state of the nation’s finances? According to Wednesday's budget comment ...

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Getting faster.....slowly

55% of consumers will abandon an online purchase if they can't find a quick answer to a question according to Forrester research (see link here). This presents a big challenge for organisations trying to engage customers and make their experience no...

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As I type, by the edge of the Liffey, Sharon and I have just finished another enjoyable day discussing customer care, service and engagement at the CCA Customer Engagement Network in Dublin. I love this city. We've been in the company of people from ...

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As I type, by the edge of the Liffey, Sharon and I have just finished another enjoyable day discussing customer care, service and engagement at the CCA Customer Engagement Network in Dublin. I love this city. We've been in the company of people from ...

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Behind the lines

Hidden within the glittering razzamatazz of the Oscars in LA last weekend was an unexpected gem; 'The Phone Call' winner of the best live action short film. Mat Kirby and James Lucas's film tells the story of Heather, a crisis call centre worker,...

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Man and machine in perfect harmony?

'Success in business is all about people, people, people. Whatever industry a company is in, its employees are its biggest competitive advantage'. I came across this quote from Richard Branson in a Linkedin post this week, a timely reminder as t...

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