What's On

Latest news, insight & opinion from CCA

It's summer!

The glorious summer sun has provided some welcome relief from wall to wall Brexit news - it’s too nice to sit indoors and the barbecue beckons. I’ve even been saved by my iPhone glare making it hard to read in the sun - a sort of summ...

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IQ EQ any clue?

An article in The Times on Tuesday this week caught my eye, reporting that the IQ of young people has begun to fall, after rising steadily since the Second World War. According to the first authoritative study of the phenomenon, the decline, whic...

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KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid!)

When Elaine Wyllie, headteacher of St Ninian’s school in Stirling came up with her one mile a day run for all children, regardless of weather, and with no need to change shoes and kit, she didn’t understand how such a simple idea...

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Lotta Experience

When we think of lottery winners we tend to think of them buying Lamborghinis, yachts and opulent villas in sunny shores. However, according to Camelot’s national millionaires report winners are shunning expensive material items to...

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A bridge too far...

I recently returned from a trip to Canada, visiting Ottawa then Toronto with various meetings about the expansion of the latest version of CCA Global Standard©. Ottawa, isof course, the understated capital of Canada; a vibrant city...

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Be mindful

This week was Mental Health Awareness Week with this year's campaign focusing on stress. Stress can be something we all experience; from everyday things like missing a train for work, having a disagreement with a family member or colleague ...

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In the clouds?

A few weeks ago, I heard two women discussing the progress of their offspring whilst on a train. In response to, ‘what’s David doing now?’ the mum said, ‘oh he’s doing really well, he’s got a training pos...

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Innovate to Accumulate

CCA was on tour this week! With a group of members from all different sectors we headed to Amsterdam for an Innovations Showcase with a spotlight on two of our key partners – Plantronics and Oracle. The session showcased the importance of o...

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Keeping it Human

The service we receive from the brands we engage with can be delivered from all corners of the globe, seamlessly and efficiently. Our interview with Jeremy Fitch uncovers what's happening a little closer to home as we look at the customer service landscap

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Snatching success from failure

I doubt whether TSB decided to deliberately test their customers’ patience by a 6-day outage, but the anger spilling out on Twitter certainly wasn’t for understanding or forgiveness. And I’ve no doubt there are many large f...

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Pub Talk

This week JD Wetherspoon chairman Tim Martin has been in the news for closing the brand’s social media accounts. It’s an almost unheard of move in today’s business world; wedded to social or facing extinction according to the gr...

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Ask me another one

One of the most revealing things about Mark Zuckerberg’s five-hour grilling at the US Senate this week, apart from his obvious discomfort at ditching his symbolic t-shirt for a grown-up suit, was how little many of the Senators seemed to kn...

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Customers behaving badly

Imagine getting a letter from a local cafe telling you how bad a customer you have been in accessing their service without spending enough to cover the costs incurred. Surely this wouldn’t happen! The customer is always right, right? ...

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The final countdown

The stopwatch has started – 364 days now until the UK leaves the EU. Whether you are pro or against, the clock is now ticking until we are separated from a ‘marriage’ with Europe of more than 46 years. As Theresa May works to...

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When morals get in the way of convenience

There was a certain irony in Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg hiding from the world for 5 long days whilst all around him a Force 10 storm erupted about his social media platform. Facebook is all about instant connections, instant feedback, total ...

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Up, down, in, out - what's it all about?

This week our headlines have been dominated by shocking news about Russian influences, and the sad news of the death of Stephen Hawking, a truly amazing scientist with a gift for explanation and humour. Buried away was a BBC news report about...

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The shape of things to come

The meaty facts and figures surrounding our growing obesity crisis has seen a turnaround from government this week as ministers potentially plan a crackdown on junk food advertising and two-for-one offers. Whilst Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt i...

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S'now joke

Last night I walked Ted my dog in the twilight, beautifully lit by a thick blanket of pure white snow; the Met Office red alert resulted in almost no cars. There was an unusual silence; perhaps like a city pre the motor car would be like I i...

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The customer is always right - right?

Recently a friend was deeply vexed about her holiday home in France getting a ‘vindictive’ review on a rating site. What made it doubly wounding was the effort she had invested to create a family experience; home from home with loads ...

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First Amongst Equals?

This week Elise Christie, the British Olympian speed skater, sounded heartbroken in her tearful interview shortly after crashing out of her race in Pyeongchang. Expectations for her to win were high after her disqualification four years ago....

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