Research reported earlier this week from Ofcom suggests that the younger generation is falling silent! A survey by the regulator has found a new ‘generation mute’ where only 15% of 16-24 year olds consider phone calls as the most i...
Research reported earlier this week from Ofcom suggests that the younger generation is falling silent! A survey by the regulator has found a new ‘generation mute’ where only 15% of 16-24 year olds consider phone calls as the most i...
News this week focused on the erosion of our trust in online platforms like Twitter and Facebook as more than 50% of us believe that as sources of content and news they are unreliable. Interestingly, our respect and trust in more traditional...
If, like me, you drive a diesel car then it's likely that you will be feeling like a pariah, after additional congestion charges, top up parking fees, next must surely come the curfews and finally stocks with rotten tomatoes. And yet just a f...
At the foot of our garden under a tree, yesterday I discovered a carefully collated assortment of toys, mangled old objects, missing slippers and a few footballs. It's the work of Ted my industrious border collie who doesn't have any shee...
Theresa May must have wished for a divine medical intervention to stop coughing at her party conference last week. Despite the daily diet of medical wonders the world of science unleashes, it was ironically the simple throaty cough that started a...
The last few weeks have heralded depressing news about 'faceless' organisations being unaccountable to employees, customers and governments alike. The Uber revelations around the treatment and scrutiny of its workers are an eye opene...
This week I was definitely 'in Europe' as I visited the amazing Plantronics’ customer centre in Amsterdam. The visit was to celebrate their success in achieving CCA Global Standard© once again which they are now rolling out in ...
Between Trump and 'the rocket man', aka Kim ...., the truly awful earthquake in Mexico, ongoing misery from the storm Maria, and the jaw-dropping lack of care, experienced by many thousands of travellers caught up in the Ryanair deba...
Whilst the UK readied itself for Storm Aileen this week, our thoughts turned to our fellow storm bearers across the Atlantic. Whilst Aileen had no-where near the impact of Hurricane Irma or Hurricane Harvey a couple of weeks ago, it did allo...
Last week I visited an osteopath having suffered from niggling lower back pain that had been grumbling for a period of time. Having had the usual physiotherapy treatments following a few clumsy injuries, I expected to be given the familiar p...
That’s the shout out from Arnold Schwarzenegger on the new FCA advert outlining the deadline for us to submit any outstanding PPI claims. The film star and former governor of California has been hired to front a £42m advertising ca...
Ken Cheng won the 10th annual Dave's Funniest Joke Of The Edinburgh Fringe with: "I'm not a fan of the new pound coin, but then again, I hate all change." The joke, from his show Ken Cheng: Chinese Comedian, won 33% of a publ...
When Elvis Presley died August 16, 1977, at age 42, fans around the world went into a collective state of shock. This week marked 40 years since his death and there are no signs of his memories fading. Some music critics argue that his fame is e...
For some of us, summer conjures up the images of holidays on sandy beaches, crystal blue seas and the warm sun on our faces. For the 5 million ferry passengers that visit the west coast of Scotland’s islands and rural communities each year,...
I've just returned from a wonderful trip on board QM2 – a voyage from Southampton to New York devoid of anything but the unpredictable, and sometimes wild Atlantic between ports. It's been on my bucket list for years and 2017 was...
Do we fully understand what it’s like to work in today’s fast-paced customer service environment? How can we better understand and support our workforce for today and tomorrow? Is your workforce concerned about the potential impact of ...
A top business story this week was Next’s shares jump following its announcement that overall second-quarter sales rose 0.7%, beating expectations. What was interesting for me wasn’t so much the fact that this sales increase was d...
For the 1 in 3 of us across that country that owns a Premium Bond, we can be reassured that the customer service on offer will be at a premium itself. As a CCA Standard© bearer for many years, NS&I can be confident of the service it deliv...
Anne Marie is on her summer break so we thought we’d pinch her Friday blog and let you all into a little secret. Many of you will know that each year we take a percentage of the monies collected through ticket sales for our Gala Dinner and d...
Anne Marie is on her summer break so we thought we’d pinch her Friday blog and let you all into a little secret. Many of you will know that each year we take a percentage of the monies collected through ticket sales for our Gala Dinner a...
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