At the heart of England's strategic road network, National Highways Operations Contact Centre plays a crucial role in ensuring that millions of journeys are safer, smoother, and more reliable every day.
At the heart of England's strategic road network, National Highways Operations Contact Centre plays a crucial role in ensuring that millions of journeys are safer, smoother, and more reliable every day.
Martin Lewis' recent posts about widespread poor customer service have caused quite a stir. His particular frustration is that engrained and all too familiar claim, 'we are experiencing unexpectedly high call volumes'.
I've lost count of the number of times the phrase 'rising customer expectations' is the basis for presentations over the last couple of decades. It's a kind of given, following the logic that as technology and science gallops forward, coupled with our inc
Great digital strides were made over the last 3 years through necessity. The number of processes aided by AI, robotics and automation is staggering. However, some of these hastily applied services are in urgent need of review......
Today, 23rd March 2021, is a unique first anniversary - not the sort of one that we celebrate but rather one where we will all be pleased to have some distance from.
Who to trust and what to believe are two central issues as we navigate our way through the choppy seas of this pandemic.
Over the festive period many of us had the chance to take stock of our current situation after 9 months of tumultuous change and challenge. One of the most common conversation topics I've heard from friends is their growing sense of what's important, and
I recently saw an old comedy show from the 1980's complete with scheduled canned laughter. Nowadays we don't do that as comedy is definitely more natural and well, funny. Indeed, comedians get most of their material from real life situations - life in its
I don't know about you, but this year's US presidential election is as gripping as watching the Grand National. The bookies, or in this case pollsters' favourite was outflanked early in the race, only to recover neck and neck later on.
I was clearing out old boxes from the attic recently. Like many of us the protracted and unpredictable lockdown has caused a review of what 'stuff' we really need. For me there's a sense of grieving when I look at treasured outfits, shoes and bags which n
It's been another busy week at CCA with lots of open sessions. We hosted our regular Women in Leadership event; it's one of my favourites with guaranteed authentic chat from a brilliant group of leaders who are willing to open up and really share.
A realisation dawned through the pandemic that what we might have described before as 'regular' jobs became critical and we've publicly recognised those who have helped keep food on our tables, cared for our loved ones ...
As summer ends one of the biggest talking points about the current pandemic is the inconsistencies arising from the various rules, as we emerge from lockdown.
With summer coming to an end, I thought it would be good to take a nostalgic look back to 2017, a time when we thought nothing of international travel, meeting new people, and experiencing new things.
Sometimes nothing happens for decades and sometimes a decade happens in a weekâ?T is a quote I came across last week whilst on my staycation in St Andrews, Fife.
One of the big challenges facing business today is how to emerge from the pandemic and move to some sort of business as usual, in the next normal.
Sometimes the definition of 'key' is problematic; one person's key is another person's optional
Is it time for an overhaul in thinking post-pandemic to make mission critical decisions with confidence?
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