Student Loans Company in Darlington hosted the second CCA Industry Council Thought Leadership Forum for 2019. Leaders tackled some of the challenges being faced today around engaging and motivating a changing workforce and shaping our priorities to help s
David Smith, Economic Editor for The Sunday Times, spoke at a recent CCA Advisory Council to share his views on Brexit, and how organisations can maintain good reputations and retain the trust of their customers in times of fast-paced change and uncertain
Nationwide Building Society hosted CCA's first Industry Council Thought Leadership Forum of 2019 at their HQ in Swindon bringing together industry leaders from leading brands in private and public sectors to debate current and future service challenges to
By evaluating customer behaviours and trends, Co-op Banking Group has delivered an impressive reduction in call and FTE numbers.
Highlights from our C-Suite debate at CCA Convention featuring Anne Marie Forsyth, CCA; Alison Varney, Sky; Jill Waters, NS&I; Ian Craig, Nationwide; Greg Reed, HomeServe
Have you taken part in Januaryâ?Ts Member Opinion Poll? This month weâ?Tre looking at Brexit â?' tell us what YOU think â?' itâ?Tll only take 2 minutes!
As the manager of Scotlandâ?Ts first national football team to qualify for the World Cup Finals this century. Shelley Kerr knows what it takes to build a world-class team.
The last few weeks have seen annual retail results emerge after our Christmas spend. Some like JD Sports holding firm others like New Look and Debenhams showing poorer than expected results. Most analysts agree that retail is in for a rough ride ...
‘Alexa already has your home, now she wants your car’, ‘Crash testing the airbag for cyclists’ and ‘Could you fall in love with a pet robot?’ are just some of the fascinating headlines from this year&rsquo...
Dear Santa As 2018 draws to a close, it's been a tough one for many. There’s so much we could ask for but we don’t want to be greedy so we’ve tried to stick to the essentials. A sprinkling of fairy dust to shine som...
This week I became aware of exactly how much screen time I devote, with the very revealing new Apple iPhone update. How much?? No surely not, can’t be so much I’m thinking, but of course it is. It’s a bit like a credit card ...
December is generally a frenetic month for most of us – whether planning for Christmas and family gifts, working to securing end of year targets and of course, responding to demanding customers anxious about receiving their purchases on tim...
Chatting with friends this week we likened the current Brexit situation to a restaurant scenario where we are asked whether to stick to the a la carte or try the new surprise menu; it’s a close call but marginally more want a surprise. ...
A couple of recent stats caught my eye in this month’s Business Life. The first is that 1 in 2 British employees admit they don’t actually know what AI is; the second that the tech sector is growing 2.6 times faster than the rest of t...
We are attuned to things going wrong in many aspects of life these days, and so it was a special delight to gather with friends and celebrate the achievements of true heroes from industry at our glittering CCA awards ball in Glasgow last night. ...
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