Headlines this week have been dominated by theft and fraud of all sorts; depressing news for those who believe in the honesty of mankind. A traditional heist attempt in Aboyne (Aberdeenshire) backfired when thieves tried to steal a garage ATM mac...
Headlines this week have been dominated by theft and fraud of all sorts; depressing news for those who believe in the honesty of mankind. A traditional heist attempt in Aboyne (Aberdeenshire) backfired when thieves tried to steal a garage ATM mac...
The media, internet and social channels were filled this week with 'Back to the Future' day! On what would normally have been another regular October day, movie fans worldwide celebrated the date in the film where Marty McFly and the Doc got into the...
Their capacity for partying may be unchanged; but the Rolling Stones request for instructions on how to use everything from the TV and DVD players to air conditioning and lighting indicates they have trouble mastering the latest technology. Acco...
Today draws Customer Service Week to an end. It's been an enjoyable period at CCA with an abundance of member engagement, in celebration of fantastic individuals across the spectrum of public and private sectors alike. This week also saw the anni...
The last few weeks since the election of Jeremy Corbyn as HM Leader of the Opposition in Parliament have been nothing short of eventful. Hoisted to the top despite having not put himself forward at the outset, he finds himself at odds with sections o...
Last week’s glamorous Emmy awards saw The Game of Thrones sweeping the boards with no less than 11 wins. Commentators have had a lot to say about the overwhelming success of newer streamed services versus traditional blockbuster dramas such as ...
Chatting to Ian my hairdresser this week, we got onto the subject of which jobs would be safe from robots taking over; hairdressing being one of the most likely. The media has been buzzing in response to the research from Oxford University which warn...
It has been a while since the press have focused on a generic call centre debate so it was interesting to see the coverage over the weekend of Which?’s latest consumer research which states that the UK’s biggest gripe is overseas call cen...
Even the most ardent anti-monarchists could hardly fail to be impressed with the Queen’s dignified achievement of becoming the longest serving monarch in history on Wednesday. In a scene more befitting her ancestor Victoria she chose to travel ...
An interesting blog from Richard Branson this week entitled 'You can't fake personality, passion or purpose' describes how the Virgin group hires new recruits. Top of the tree is personality; always winning over the 'book smarts' whilst experience...
The fireworks finale marking the end of the Edinburgh Festival is a sure sign that summer is over and time to get back to the day job. With over 3000 acts on offer it would be difficult not to find something of interest, a feat of organisation reflec...
This time of the year is generally known as ‘silly season’ by journalists .... a slow time for hard news so the sillier stories and the good news stories get more airtime and column inches. This week Cilla’s funeral (sad not silly)...
Exam results fever hit again this week as the A-level results were issued. Students celebrated, and perhaps commiserated, as the results were announced whilst their Scottish counterparts were a week earlier. As is regularly the case, every year...
...is a wise piece of advice given to me by my economics lecturer quite a few years ago at University. I ignored it at my peril this year by booking short, nearshore staycations instead of travelling afar, believing that last year's never ending glor...
Working with CCA’s Thought Leadership Council at a recent workshop – the third of four that are leading up to the creation of some new scenarios which will be revealed at Convention this year – I was struck by the variable speeds at...
I came across these wise words; ironically as I was finding other things to do rather than getting down to the task of this week's blog. The old proverb about procrastination was written in a diary by my late dad, in Gaelic which was his first langu...
It's a serious question posed at newly formed CCA HR and Development Forum where as usual the agenda was bigger than the time available. It's tempting to answer a resounding "YES" to what seems to be a pretty rhetorical question- how on ear...
It's been quite a week for lovers of economics, with the first budget from a new Government, together with the ongoing drama surrounding the future of Greece and that awful phrase 'Grexit'. Balancing the books, whilst being seen to act humanely poses...
As I type, by the edge of the Liffey, Sharon and I have just finished another enjoyable day discussing customer care, service and engagement at the CCA Customer Engagement Network in Dublin. I love this city. We've been in the company of people from ...
'Dogs are better than humans at big data' according to Carsten Sorensen at our quarterly CCA Special Advisers’ meeting in London this week. His rationale is that dogs know instinctively when their owners are around; often from afar, and don't e...
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