What's On

Latest news, insight & opinion from CCA

Well well well...

This week’s big news on the changes to the pension age for more than 6 million men and women makes us all take a pause and think about the years ahead still left to work – for some less than others. Add to the mix the story on how lif...

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Let's stick together - May be not!

The cessation of BBC Question Time for the summer recess signals the beginning of the holiday period for Parliament. I suspect it can't come soon enough for the bruised PM Theresa May who has endured what most would agree has been a torrid tw...

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Customer Service Rocks!

We were thrilled to be on site at Barclays in Liverpool yesterday for our Industry Council Thought Leadership forum where we discussed what ‘always on’ means to those delivering and managing customer service. Ours is a very differe...

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Storm before the calm

Like most of us at this time of year, I've been cramming in as much activity as possible before the summer holiday season starts. My last few weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind, chairing and speaking at conferences, all centred around the challenge o

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The best of times... the worst of times

This week saw us all shocked and horrified at the tragic tower block fire disaster in London. The dreadful pictures and scenes showed the devastation left behind that I’m sure affected each and every one of us. None more so than those at th...

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The numbers game

This week Vodafone announced that it was intervening to prevent its brand being damaged by advertising inadvertently ending up on rogue sites, due to artificially intelligent algorithms making decisions. The company will manually select a &ls...

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Flying low

This has been a difficult week for British Airways, with the debate still ongoing about what actually caused the crash of all their booking, baggage and customer contact operations last bank holiday weekend. PR experts queued up to criti...

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Partnerships with benefits?

This week was a busy one at CCA HQ, we hosted 30 organisations at the popular customer journey mapping masterclasses with Oracle on Tuesday and our BPO/Outsourcing Users Forum yesterday. I often think that if customers could experience t...

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Who knew?

A notable observation from the cyber-attack debacle at the beginning of this week was the intervention of a 22-year-old IT whiz kid who saved the day by figuring out a fix. His response when it was suggested that he had saved lives was modest, al...

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It's all for you

Last night I was at the magnificent Hydro in Glasgow…. at the Take That concert. Some if you will have shift deleted at this point but bear with me. Regardless of musical tastes and opinions, 13,000 fans were treated to a Wonderland t...

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Hobson's Choice

Did you vote in this week’s local elections? Are you planning to vote in the general election? I ask because all the indicators are that we are becoming disillusioned with politics (or politicians?) thus our appetite for engagement is ...

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Brainy Tales

Understanding customer emotions in parallel with machine learning matters greatly to organisations planning their resources to effectively service whichever business area they happen to be in.

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What's the question again?

I suspect many of you felt as I did on hearing the General Election news - head under a duvet and please make it all go away! Or maybe Netflix to block out the incessant verbiage from the informed and not so well informed on 24/7 news. The annou...

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Heroes and Zeroes

The death of Arnold Clark aged 89, Britain’s first £billion car sales business evoked an outpouring of warm tributes from politicians, employees and business leaders. A life well lived, a business well-run, a passion for his product, his ...

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It's only words

This week the Prime Minister and others expressed outrage at the apparent omission of the word 'Easter' from 'egg' from none other than the National Trust and Cadbury - except the omission wasn't really a deliberate omission, but ...

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It's only words

This week the Prime Minister and others expressed outrage at the apparent omission of the word 'Easter' from 'egg' from none other than the National Trust and Cadbury - except the omission wasn't really a deliberate omiss...

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The legs have it

Tomorrow is of course April Fools’ day ironically ending a tumultuous week where many may feel that the triggering of Article 50 is no laughing matter. And yet humour has been a constant since the vote to leave in June last year with Twitter fe...

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Shine a light...

Each week there is something in the news about disgruntled customers. Citizens Advice announced their findings around who’s winning and losing the customer service battle ratings amongst the energy firms. The research stated that while...

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You can U-turn if you want to

This week we could almost hear the screeching tyres and smell the burning rubber as Philip Hammond performed a handbrake sort of U-turn about national insurance contribution increases announced in last week’s budget for the 4 million or so self...

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You can U-turn if you want to

This week we could almost hear the screeching tyres and smell the burning rubber as Philip Hammond performed a handbrake sort of U-turn about national insurance contribution increases announced in last week’s budget for the 4 million or so self...

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