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NHSBSA: Prescribing Excellence in Customer Experience

NHSBSA has been at the forefront of delivering exceptional customer experience and business services across the UK's health and social care system. Since achieving CCA Global Accreditation for Customer Experience© in 2019, NHSBSA has continually demonstr

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Call for Judges 2020

The Excellence Awards programme for 2020 launched on the 1st March and is supported by an independent panel of judges from across the CCA network. Are you interested in being part of the Awards review process?

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No laughing matter

The fireworks finale marking the end of the Edinburgh Festival is a sure sign that summer is over and time to get back to the day job. With over 3000 acts on offer it would be difficult not to find something of interest, a feat of organisation reflec...

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Real time recognition

Unless you have been living on a desert island you cannot have missed the media coverage and fulsome accolates surrounding the resignation of Sir Alex Ferguson from Manchester United. Many would profoundly disagree with his idiosyncratic and aggr...

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Celebrating Success

It has been a very busy couple of weeks packed with showcasing the successes of many of our member organisations. I attended the launch of the newest ‘Virgin Money Lounge’ in Manchester last week hosted by Chief Executive, Jayne-Anne Gadh...

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