The first in CCA Global Leaders’ Summit series for 2023 took place on 22 February, hosted at the incredible Mound by Lloyds Banking Group and Scottish Widows with stunning views over Edinburgh.
Embracing our differences was the focus of the day and it was incredible to have more than 100 senior leaders ‘lean in’ to learn, explore and progress their education on the many nuances of the DEI agenda. As keynote speaker Belinda Asante, Inclusion and Diversity Strategic Partner at Lloyds Banking Group said, ‘it’s a marathon and not a sprint’ echoing in the room that progress can be made if we continue to question, educate and challenge thinking to reap the benefits of a more inclusive and diverse culture and thinking.  


Onyinye Igbokwe from Black Professionals Scotland helped us understand more about shifting from inclusion to belonging and at the end of the day the outcome is people regardless of background.

We can’t talk about inclusion without extending that to customers, particularly those that are vulnerable. Chris Stroud, Director of Customer Management Centres from Currys proudly talked about the partnership they have with Digital Poverty Alliance and Elizabeth Anderson, COO shared the importance of broadening digital access. SGN are doing some incredible work for some of the most vulnerable customers in the community, and we were delighted to hear from Customer Service Director, Maureen McIntosh on some of the outstanding projects, partnerships and investments to support those most in need.

Both our keynote panels candidly shared approaches, challenges and ambitions for addressing the many important issues raised.

Thanks also to Sally Earnshaw, Managing Director at Culture Change Consulting for the most energetic end to the day and by demonstrating that by showing up differently to conversations, we can achieve different outcomes.
A huge thanks to all of the day’s incredible contributors, expertly led once again by Nicola Collister - Benny Nmeholam, Kevin Alboni, Andrea Burke, Laura Vaughan, Linda Spence, Trish Hadden and of course to our very generous Scottish Widows hosts Barry Mckenzie and Scott Gunderson.