The challenge of customer vulnerability

Concern about increased vulnerability in both customer and colleague populations is growing, particularly as we head towards the winter months when price caps will increase, and the impact of inflation continues to hit hard.
I was recently invited by Capita to contribute to an article in The Telegraph exploring the challenges and considerations all businesses and organisations will need to think about in the months ahead. We are continuing to table this on the CCA Agenda – the next discussion will take place at an upcoming Friday Coffee Club on 26 August.
You can read the full article here.
Anne Marie Forsyth
Media contact:
Pauline Cochrane
T: + 44 141 564 9010
About CCA
CCA is the professional body for leading brands in customer experience, challenging and connecting public and private sector organisations to become world class. With more than 20 years’ experience, we are firmly recognised as the trusted reference for research, analysis and expertise. Our work with operators, BPO & shared service providers and vendors ensures we retain our position as the definitive source within our market-place.
Most people within our network are actively considering the best model to deliver a better customer experience and to drive more profitability from customer interactions. Our agenda for 2019 will support this challenge providing our customers with the information and data they need to make informed decisions around the future of their business. For further information visit