Public sector customer service and the adoption of cloud technology
The advancement of public sector customer service has undoubtedly been due to the adoption of cloud technology, which opens new ways of working, saves delivery costs and supports the social value agenda.
When I think about how things have changed, I have to cast my mind back to 2005 when as a Civil Servant, I co-authored ‘Better Practice Guide- lines for Government Contact Centres. This was written to support the out- comes of the Varney review – ‘Service Transformation: A better service for citizens and businesses, a better deal for the taxpayer’.
At the time, this whitepaper was ground-breaking. Remember this was before Netflix, Spotify and even the iPhone! The paper set the blueprint at the time for how the public sector should be delivering customer services and focused on quality to the citizen, the creation of flexible solutions, and creating an environment for staff that supported the delivery of excellent service.