The America’s Most Responsible Companies recognition is presented by Newsweek and Statista Inc., the world-leading statistics portal and industry ranking provider. Companies were selected based on publicly available key performance indicators derived from corporate social responsibility reports, sustainability reports, and corporate citizenship reports, as well as an independent survey. Key performance indicators tracked included company performance on environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria, while the independent survey asked U.S. citizens about their perception of company activities related to corporate social responsibility. The final list recognizes the top 500 most responsible companies in the U.S., spanning 14 industries.

“Our commitment to corporate and social responsibility goes beyond our promise to our clients and employees to drive new innovation, demonstrate excellence, and support growth. We must also recognize the critical role we play in our communities and do our part to ensure that we operate in a manner that cultivates diversity, reduces waste and contributes to a bright future for all,” said Rohit Kapoor, EXL Vice Chairman and CEO. "We look forward to continued progress as we pursue our ESG agenda in the months and years to come."

In its recently published Sustainability Report, EXL announced its goal to achieve net zero emissions by 2045.

To view the complete list of America's Most Responsibility Companies, visit Additional information about EXL’s corporate responsibility efforts can be found in its Sustainability Report.